Soldering Manual Pitch

By: Anthony Berardelli, Mark Ciora, Chloe Lam, and Madison Taggart


Soldering can be dangerous if mishandled, so learning proper skills is key for staying safe. A breakdown of core equipment and best practices to follow when starting to solder will help guide users through the basics of soldering to eventually achieve mastery of the skill.

Surface mount soldering Through hole soldering Soldering with helping hands demo
Soldering stained glass Soldering Jelewry PCB Soldering
Welding a type of soldering Brazing a type of solderin


Through providing not only safety details on usage of solders and soldering materials, but detailed instructions and diagrams on how soldering works, the manual provided will allow for readers to understand what is required to perform soldering safely. Users will also become familiar with how to perform soldering of electrical devices, including circuits and wire repair. Users can also become familiar with other uses of soldering beyond electrical, if they are interested in pursuing soldering in areas beyond electrical engineering.

How to Solder Diagram


Soldering introduces the possibility to realize complex circuits on durable boards. It's an important skill to learn for both professional and hobbyist circuit designers. It may seem scary or hard to get in to, but with the correct guidance soldering is safe, easy, and fun. A usable guide demonstrating the correct techniques focusing heavily on safety could fulfill this role effectively.

Types of soldering joints


Moving forward, we will be creating an instruction manual that focuses on safety procedures and useful tips for soldering. Since our group has prior experience with different types of soldering, we are aware of the dangers and struggles that come with learning this skill. With the gained knowledge from our experiences, we can help others who are looking to learn how to solder and ensure that it is done safely.

Link to Instructions:

Soldering Training Manual